The parents handbook linked to above is meant to provide you with detailed information on our childcare policies. As a cooperative it is very important to us to be completely transparent with our families so if there is ever anything you are curious about that is not in this handbook feel free to come talk to us at the centre
- Mission
- Hours of Operation
- Fees & Payment Options
- Withdrawal Policy
- One month written notice is required for withdrawal from our center. This notice must be given before the first of the last month that care is required. If notice is not received you as the parent will be responsible to pay the fees for one full calendar month.
- Early Childhood Educator Month: May
- Holidays & Celebrations
- Child Guidance Philosophy
- Aggression/Violence Policy
- We have a zero policy when it comes to aggression and violence towards the staff and or children at the center. Anyone deemed to be in violation of this policy will be asked to leave the center.
- Toilet Training
- Drop-off & Pick-up Policy
- Weather Regulations
- Parking
- Parental Involvement
- Ongoing communication is vital to the success of our programs. We encourage parents to address any concerns or to share ideas with the educators in your child’s room. Please take the time to read all posted notices, and information sent via email, or written documents provided to you.
- Annual General Meeting
- Field Trips & Excursions
- Behaviour Consultant and Speech and Language Therapist
- Nutritional Guidelines
- Illness & Medication Policy
- Conditions requiring temporary exclusion
- The child appears severely ill (lethargic or lack of responsiveness, unusually irritable, persistent crying, rash)
- Fever of 101 F or more
- One bout of vomit or diarrhea
- Eye infection – until 24 hours after treatment has been started
- Chicken Pox – until the child is able to participate in the normal daily routine and is no longer uncomfortable
- Minor Scrapes & Bruises
- Nap/Quiet Time
- Smoking
- Smoking is not permitted on or within our childcare center. We ask that adults also not smoke on the sidewalk areas adjacent to or within view of our play yards. Smoking in a vehicle with children under the age of 16 is against the law in Saskatchewan.
Friends Together is proudly licensed by The Ministry of Education. We do our best to provide programming based on the Emergent Curriculum as well as the Play and Exploration Program Guide. We receive additional funding via educational and attendance grants from the Ministry of Education: The Early Years. For more information on The Ministry of Education please go to
If you have any questions in regards to any of the information provided, we ask that you please speak with The Director.
Friends Together Childcare
913 Argyle Ave
Saskatoon, SK. S7H 2V9
306-374-8905 (Phone)
306-374-8905 (Fax)